Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Movie monday!

So today we are FINALLY putting up our Christmas tree, we are finishing and beginning last minute presents, and watching the entire LOTR(Lord of the Rings) set while we do it! Does anyone out there reading this have any favorite movie sets? LOTR is one of our old favorites reserved for days spent in PJs working on projects and making magic in the kitchen, its a beautifully done set of movies with fantastic actors, I personally was only ever able to make it through reading The Hobbit, the rest I never did though I do own them, I expect myself to actually do it someday, how about you?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Inspirational pictures!

These are photos I've had floating around on my laptop, I don't remember where I got them all and I'd gladly give credit to whomever they belong to but these are just pictures I loved that make me feel like doing things! (MOST come from Deviantart.com its one of my favorite places to browse in my spare time!)

This one I happen to know came from Alicechan she is VERY skilled, click on her name if you want to see more of her work! This makes me want to pick up a paint brush and just dive in, which is something I've not done in a VERY long time but fully intend to do in my painting class this upcoming spring term.

No idea where this one came from, I think it was a rather recent post from someone's blog I read that they loved too, I looooove the color of the walls, they make me long to paint mine finally, but I also love the branches they've got with the lights hanging from them, I have rope lights in a spiral on my ceiling above my bed, but they don't look half as cool as these do!

Both of these cupcake pictures inspire my baking love, I would love to get into the fondant decorating as intense as the top picture of the nautical themed cupcakes, and then this sweet cute one below it makes me want those cupcake papers and little heart shaped sprinkles which I'm a little shocked I don't already have!

OMG I love owls and then this tattoo pops up on deviant art and just makes me LONG for it for myself, I love the whimsical feel of the way the artist did the night sky with the moon and stars and wispy swirls not to mention the beauty of the owl itself, I've been waiting quite impatiently for my grandma to finish drawing up the traditional and wild rose combo that I'm going to get right about where the moon is on this guy, and my mama finally convinced her that I was either getting the roses done or Fluffy's portrait so she'd better hurry up on my roses which she's been putting off in hopes of my not getting them, so (excitement of excitements!) she's got the sketch mostly done, now she's just tweaking it around! This owl can be found on seanspoison

And this picture, holy mother of pearl, the front center dress is my dream dress, I want it bad, its beautiful and whimsical, and looks fae to me, LOVE LOVE LOVE. Now, if only I could find a groom!

Photo Dump!

 My Thanksgiving picture!
 Just felt pretty about a week ago?
  One of my favorite childhood books!

Towards end of summer my best friend Katie and I went to the lake after we painted her room!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Funny Friday! (I'll rename this soon)

Personally I know a lot of people think she's super mean, but I have a friend who posted this and she is totally going to be this mom someday, she told him nicely and its not like she hit the kid, so really, it was not that bad.

and then I'm a big True Blood fan and it just tickles my funny bone when Sookie imitates Bill saying her name at the end of this.

I love playing the question game...

 I love playing the question game, I was browsing blogs and facebook and what not and came across the following questions so I thought they'd be fun to answer and maybe someone out there reading this will answer them too! Leave me a comment if you do want to!

The questions:

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?
2. Favorite brand of makeup?
3. Favorite flower?
4. Favorite clothing store?
5. Favorite perfume ?
6. Heels or flats?
7. Do you make good grades?
8. Favorite colors?
9. Do you drink energy drinks?
10. Do you drink juice?
11. Do you like swimming?
12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
13. Favorite moisturizer?
14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
15. Do you get mad easily?
16. Are you into ghost hunting?
17. Any phobias?
18. Do you bite your nails?
19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
20. Do you drink coffee?

My answers:
1. My rings! I feel naked without them.
2. I'd say covergirl, but it depends on the product, I vary a lot.
3. Sunflowers and oriental poppies! They're beautiful and wild looking ^-^
4. I'm torn between H&M and Charlotte Russe personally
5.My current perfume is Love and Luck by Ed Hardy but I've been wanting to try a new scent, any suggestions?
6. Flats because they're adorable and all purpose plus I'm a clutz
7. I make pretty good grades, mainly Bs
8. Hot pink, any shade of red, golden sun yellow, royal purple, turquoise, royal/ocean blue, rich rich blue green, I LOVE COLOR.
9. I do, but rarely, and only ice cold Monsters
10. LOVE juice, all kinds, apple, pomegranate, peach cranberry, orange, all kinds!
11. Yes and no, I have a fear of drowning and my weak swimmer's skills keep me from being heavily into it, but I do love the look the sound and feel of being in water, its so soothing.
12. No fork, I am verrrry much a hand person, I want to get right into everything hands on including my food.
13. I use Olay's light moisturizer with sunscreen for my face everyday, but I use Bath and body Works' signature collection Secret Wonderland for my body, I love it, it works and it smells amazing!
14. I can't wait to find someone to love who will love me and marry me, I very much so want it, I love Kaelah Bee's wedding Wednesday posts, they inspire me, I'm finally becoming the kind of girl who has an idea of what I want, I never planned my wedding when I was a kid, I was all about being mama, I know I'll be a mama someday even if I never find the one and marry.
15. Nope, I'm a pretty cheerful kinda gal, but that doesn't mean I never get mad, it just means it takes more than something itty bitty.
16. Nope, I'm a faerie girl, not so much on the ghosts.
17. Not sure, I hate bugs, and small enclosed spaces.
18. I do NOT bite my nails, in fact my thing is making sure my nails are perfect, when they chip or break I have to fix it asap, it bothers me intensely.
19. No, not that I'm aware of.
20. I do, I love coffee hottttt first thing in the morning, it cleans out my mouth and throat. but I just don't like cold coffee at all, when mine starts cooling off I heat it up again.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

I love Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, she's one of the most amazing characters ever, she is adorable, brave, big hearted, and super cool in general, plus she's got really fun style while being a beautiful curvy woman. I just read someone's post on imdb about her being an unrealistic NCIS's Abby wannabe, personally I am a little bit offended, Penelope is a much more realistic character, while I love Abby too she plays loud music, she dresses super dark and dramatic, she constantly needs caffeine,  and she's got a serious attitude, sweet funny, but not professional, point being, Abby is no more realistic than Penelope, when it comes down to it she's less realistic, Penelope is just a little quirky and super sweet with super skill, in NCIS Abby's job could be done by any number of science smart people who dress and act much more appropriate even if they'd be boring, Penelope and Abby were not hired  for a professionally visual position so what they wear shouldn't matter, their capabilities and sweet fun personalities add a comic relief that I find fun and which I can identify with and I know a lot of other people who love them just as much and identify with them just as much.

If anyone reads this and disagrees I'd rather not receive your opinion if you can't be civil or mature about it and I will not respond to anything you say, I'll just delete it, I posted my opinion here because I wanted to share my frustration without feeding into the negativity of that other person's unnecessary post, and because she inspires me, if you don't like it then I'm sorry but that's on you.

Wishful Wednesday!

Hey, sorry this is late but yesterday was my mama's birthday lunch and so we went out and had lunch with her and her mama, and then my best friend and I took her to get coffee and then to see Harry Potter 7! It was amazingly done but I was super mad about them cutting it off where they did, because I NEED to see the rest, I have to admit while it was clever of them to spread it out as far as the profit they really could have just made it a five hour movie and I'd have been perfectly happy, I'd have made it through the whole thing. Then when I went to take Katie my best friend home because she had work this morning I made it halfway there and had to pull over to throw up heavily in the bushes at AmPm, I don't know why either but it was horrible so I now have little red spots around my upper eyelid/brow arch from all my little broken capillaries which is no fun so suffice it to say Katie drove me home and spent the night because everyone else was asleep and I never got the chance to get to this.
 Soooooo the items:
1. You Were Mint For Me Dress - Modcloth.com 49.99 I have been drooling over this dress for months, I wish they'd carry just one size up, I seriously need to lose weight because I just love these dresses way too much!
2. Fabulous Beast Necklace - Modcloth.com 23.99 This is a massive MUST HAVE for me, I'm seriously pinning my hopes on my best friend to have sincerely gotten him for me because I just LOVE him, he's amazing!
3. Owl Be Your Friend Print - Modcloth.com 24.99 I'm a big fan of owls they're majestic creatures but my favorite are barn owls, and aren't they just the cutest, I loved this print, I would so very hang it up in my room.
4. Owl Have a Small Tea Covered Mug  - Modcloth.com 29.99 CUTE CHUBBY FLUFFY OWL combined with TEA, they knew the way to my heart, I only wish I'd had the money for this, so on my wish list it is!
5. Every Flower Is Illuminated Light Set in Teal - Modcloth.com 24.99 I have to say, I have a very cute room, and these lights would just be the cherry on top, I LOVE the color and the way they look.
6. If Owls Could Talk Top - Modcloth.com 34.99 SO PRETTY, I love tye dye, its absolutely gorgeous, but then you mix purple (great color) into the mix of tye dye and a beautiful owl face and I am SET.
7. Last but certainly not least Poison Eaters Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE faerie tales, they're almost the only thing I read by choice, my shelves are full of them, Holly Black is one of my favorite authors of modern faerie tales, she's dark and descriptive without being too dark or too stereotyped, I found this collection of hers online surfing to see if she'd come out with anything new, it sounds fantastic to me! ^-^
And that's all for now, dad should be back with the pizza soon and after that will be presents and cake!!! (I got her Eat, Pray, Love. which she loved when I took her to see it in theater! and I bought her a mint chip ice cream cake!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I love my family/ musical tuesday

So I'm very much so feeling the need to feel as though there is magic in this world, that faeries are real, though we might not see them, they are always around us in all of the things that we do and places that we go, I know a lot of people find it silly but I find it comforting, I love them. I have been playing with my faerie oracle this morning and talking with my mother, I think The Bright Mother is very much her card, my mama is a very nurturing and loving woman, she has always been there when I need her most even when I don't know I need what she gives me. I find also that my Grandma is very much the Faerie Godmother, she gives so much and she's been my second mama, she's beautiful and creative and graceful and very traditional while loving a good party, my grandma is SO cute when she gets rose cheeks from drinking too much wine, and she's funny =).
I feel that my amazing brother is probably the "O, that gnome" He is such a fantastic creative chaotic brother, but he's also sort of selfish which I guess should be expected from a 16 year old, I think my mom made a relevant point, while I have always been told I am an old soul we see him as a very young soul, who while I wouldn't call brand spanking baby new has not yet learned who to trust and who to distrust, he's an amazingly creative guy, I foresee him doing something amazing, he's so talented, he builds things all the time and writes really amazing stories for his age, but he doesn't trust our parents or anyone else except me and possibly one or two of his friends which I know really hurts our parents' feelings and makes me sad for him and them both. Anyways and then there is my daddy, we decided that while he could fit with quite a few of the faeries the best one for him was definitely The Master Maker, who is this adorable chubby little guy who is amazingly skilled, inventive, and is known for his craftsmanship, my daddy is all of the above, his hobby is creating custom figures and he's fantastic at it, but he's also a very fantastical history buff who is coincidentally also a really old soul, like super old soul, he is very set in his ways and very moral, and very faithful both to God and to my Mama, we love him lots.

Nothing can be truer than fairy wisdom.  It is as true as sunbeams.  ~Douglas Jerrold

The wall is silence, the grass is sleep,
Tall trees of peace their vigil keep,
And the Fairy of Dreams with moth-wings furled
Plays soft on her flute to the drowsy world.
~Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

SO anyways onto the music, I'm gracing you with Lily's song from the movie Legend because I absolutely love it and I think everyone should see it at least once.

New beginning/ MOVIE MONDAY

ONCE AGAIN, I am trying to find a way to keep this going because for some reason I feel the need to do this but I haven't been able to be consistent, I have decided to set up goals for myself. I think I'm going to steal an idea from some of the blogs I've read and do specific things, like pick up my musical Tuesday again, soooo maybe a movie Monday, a wishing Wednesday, thoughtful/reflective Thursday, something funny Friday, free Saturday so anything I want, and maybe a photo dump Sunday. I'm going to have to write this down somewhere like a reminder to motivate myself, I need to have something consistent in my life. SO since it is monday, I'd like to start tonight even though technically it could be considered Tuesday because of the late hour.

So I don't know who's heard about The Tempest 2010 coming out as a movie redone by the same woman who did Across the Universe, Julie Taymor, they released some very promising trailers and it has a great cast, the release date was December 10th, SO in excitement my best friend Katie and I thought we would go see it last night, but low and behold when we looked up times for it it wasn't even playing anywhere in CA, I live in Citrus Heights California and just assumed it would be released in theaters nearby, APPARENTLY it was only released to FIVE total theaters in the entire united states, on December 17th it will be released to 15 more for a grand total of 20 theaters in the entire 50 states. Not even half. Or at least that was the only answer I found via a yahoo question someone else was asking.

SO while I sincerely wanted to see that movie with her we instead went to see the Chronicles of Narnia Voyage of the Dawntreader, which was of course beautiful, I admit I missed Peter and Susan but I do acknowledge that they couldn't be there, they'd already had their last trip, but Prince Caspian was looking gorgeous as ever and Edmund and Lucy have certainly grown up, I am a HUGE Narnia fan, I admit to only recently buying the books, however I grew up on the movies done by BBC, fantastic and cheesy and beautiful.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Get to know yourself better

I'm not entirely sure I agree with allll of this but it was interesting enough^^ I got this from  Little Chief Honey Bee


Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates. Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you. Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

Yummy cupcakes!

Yesterday I made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream frosting and ghirardelli milk chocolate chips, they came out magically with a sort of a brownie taste to them, and the frosting was delicious, I must admit however that as I was making the batter I was mixing the dry ingredients in a third at a time, right as I was reaching for the bowl I caught my elbow in the lip and sent the last third of them flying all down my apron, my pant leg and across the kitchen (its so small there was nowhere to go but everywhere!) and I had a little bit of a meltdown panic attack, but my mama came to the rescue and helped me figure out the amounts to replace what I'd lost which worked out better than I'd thought it would. Following the first meltdown I was scooping the butter at room temp(pretty melty) into my mixing bowl to make the butter cream when half of it decided it thought my foot looked like a much better place to be than the bowl. Suffice it to say that due to the fact I don't wear shoes when not necessary I had quite a bit of butter between all of my toes. Now the reason this was all so meltdowny I should share is that I'm used to having much much more counter space, and the entire household besides myself have been on the edge the last few months while we've been figuring out our new financial situation.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Space.

This week I've been making leaps and bounds with my bedroom, its looking amazing. I've hung up all of my wall stuff and have been creating more stuff to hang up, I've been teaching myself to read the Faerie Oracle tarot cards which has been fun, plus the fact that the cards are gorgeous, I Love Brian Froud's work, he is a very talented man, if you don't know who he is, he designed the goblins for the movie Labyrinth and also for The Dark Crystal while his wife actually designed the puppets and their son played Sara's brother in Labyrinth.
The card I chose as my most appealing card in my first attempt at getting to know the Faerie's Oracle, I think she is Gorgeous.
I will be posting pictures of my room when I finish up^^ which should be soon I hope^^

Monday, July 5, 2010

My Fourth!

Silly sleepy dreamy kitties^^
Strawberry and blueberry batter, the blueberries are homegrown in my back yard^^
Onions grown by my grandpa and zucchini grown by our good friends Phil and Luce^^
Above: My Mama and my brother grilling up some burgers, Below: our dogs Rosie and Copper and then my Daddy^^
Me, and then my brother and I^^
Below is my delicious burger and sauteed veggies with my homemade lemonade, and then are my strawberry cupcakes with homemade whipped cream and blueberries on top^^ 
The neighbors doing their fireworks, they're beautiful^^
And we made root beer floats while we watched!

And ending of course with my beautiful silly kitties!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I always love the fourth of July because while we are as a population a bunch of shallow fast track assholes to the world we earned what we have, way back when we were fighting for our freedom and we won it, our ancestors were amazing brave men and women who believed in their cause and fought against all odds, thank you all.^^ And personally I do love the fireworks, the excuse to make beautiful cupcakes with fresh fruit, bbq, and to be outside even though I'm melting. Later tonight I'll be posting pictures of the cupcakes I'm waiting on strawberries to complete via my daddy.
Personally every year my family watches the movie Independence Day and it gives chills listening to the president's speech so I found it and am posting it here^^

"Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in this history of mankind.
Mankind -- that word should have new meaning for all of us today.
We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.
We will be united in our common interests.
Perhaps its fate that today is the 4th of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution -- but from annihilation.
We're fighting for our right to live, to exist.
And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:
"We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on!
We're going to survive!"
Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!"

Friday, June 18, 2010

My own Wednesday Wish

I read the lovely Courtney's blog http://youwillwontyou.blogspot.com/ and she every Wednesday posts her Wednesday Wishes which I absolutely love, and so just today I thought I would like to post a couple of my own I thought of when reading her's!

1. I wish the dramatics in my friends' lives would slow down, I'm tired of all of the tears constantly shed on my shoulders, Sunday morning my poor cousin was helpless to save her weeks old kitten Procyon from her own dog, Maya had been waiting for her moment and snatched the poor thing up as soon as it stepped out of the garage, I've been staying the night with her because she's all alone until the 19th and she blames herself for it.

2. I wish that life were sweeter, that is, I wish that I could make all of the baked desserts and so on that my heart desires I make and had people to enjoy them too! (pictures of my delicious banana bread and banana muffins mess!)

3. I wish I could find a beautiful but affordable faery doll with dandelion fluff hair... like her^^^^^ (she makes ADORABLE clothing for them if you have one of these dolls)
Picture from:


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Musical Tuesday!!!

SO today I have for you:
Half of my Heart by John Mayer:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Late again!

I'm sorry I've been inconsistent in my musical tuesdays, with the long weekend it feels more like today is tuesday rather than wednesday, maybe I should set myself up with more of a challenge and add some specific posts for other days of the week besides just tuesday that way I have even more reason to remember which day is which...
SO today is "All I want is you" from the Juno Soundtrack by Barry Louis Polisar

Juno: "All I Want is You" from Jim Liu on Vimeo.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I looove bubbles!
Bubbles for blowing and watching as they dance away from you in the breeze, bubble baths with jets so they build up and make fun shapes, mountains and mermaid tails, bubbles fizzing in my soda that tickle my face if I take a drink too fast, bubbles bubbles bubbles!!!
That was my bubble bath!!!

 ALSO here are the pictures I promised!
Part of their back yard!
The beautiful clock, it played a few different songs at different times^^
The BAD ASS quail who was in the back yard, GORGEOUS bird^^
Cal!!! That's his comfort blanket^^

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ooops Music Tuesday

Sooo, I know I missed last tuesday but I was busy being completely out of contact with real technology, and very little time with access to my own laptop with internet and so therefore I am once again posting multiple music videos.

So Eisley's Telescope Eyes is pretty magical, I love the way she sings and the video is pretty good personally.

Eisley - "Telescope Eyes" from Bucky Fukumoto on Vimeo.

Also loooove Stephanie Dosen and Snowbird, I've been reading her blog which is how I even found out she existed musically^^  She's so fun to read and I love all of her very fae like finds and outfits, she's beautiful
Snowbird - Live at Union Chapel from The Progress Film Company on Vimeo.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dog sitter?

So. Tuesday was the first day of dog sitting, and I have to say, it has not gone amazingly. Cal is a beautiful older dog but he has some really terrible habits, these people live in Lincoln, it takes me half an hour to get to their house from mine and apparently its a little over 16.5 miles away, and they left me $100 for 6 days. Cal needs to be fed at 5-6am and again at 5-6pm, if you aren't up for his morning feeding he wakes you up, and in the afternoon so far if I don't feed him before he reminds me he gets really aggressive up in my face and barks a lot with this wild look in his eyes which scares me because I don't know him. AND he gets into EVERYTHING, I left a brand new loaf of bread on the counter where I thought he wouldn't be able to reach, the next thing I knew he had ripped through the bag and half of it was gone. As for the food they left, they have an abundance of condiments and for drinking mixers and huge bottles of alcohol of all sorts, and thats it. So not only is the $100 measly for how long I'll be here and the gas I'll have to use, but I also had to go buy food, this job is costing me, not paying me, suffice it to say I am not coming back again unless we can work out a pay scale, because I'd never thought I needed one, I only ever sat Judy's rabbit and she lived pretty close to me while leaving all the food I could need and enough money to do almost anything I felt like and she was no where near as well off as these people.

I will be posting pictures later when I get home as this computer of their's is ridiculously outdated...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Grr, Purrr

Yeaaaah. I'm not so sure I want to meet this guy I've been talking to anymore, met him on this random ass site and he's 26 with a daughter, he's all super smarty pants attitude and cool for him if he really is as smart as he likes to sound, but I don't need a guy who makes me feel stupid and criticizes me when he's stood me up twice now but oh my, I bailed on him last time we tried to meet because my best friend's boyfriend dumped her and she spent that night crying all over her sister and I.

MOVING ON. So as I am pulling my bedroom together I'm finding a lot of things which I need to get rid of and am going to be taking to Good Will, and a lot of things I had forgotten I had and am finding I love. I also think I'm going to try getting bangs... I've been heavily debating them with myself, because I'm not sure I can pull them off, but its summer and there really is only one true way to find out I suppose. But anyways, here are a couple pictures of things in my room that I love^^
Mary and her little paper lamb^^
And my cute Mother Goose^^