Sunday, August 14, 2011


First of all I would like to say, I mean no offense just in case I unknowingly word something in such a way as to offend anyone.
Now, I have been very interested in the idea of an earth based religion for years, a religion which focuses on the beauty in the world we live with every day and making sure we treat our wonderful world with the respect and love she deserves is even better. Personally my own concepts/set of religious/spiritual beliefs I came to realize I had was that our Earth is our Great Mother, she is nature, she gives and takes life as needed, and she is wise beyond what we will ever truly know, now, having been raised to believe in God in a Christian way I've never been able to shake my knowing that he is there like some Great Father even though I'm not sure where he fits in specifically. In Christianity he is like an angry father more often than not, and I've never liked the idea that he should be angry and punishing more than he is loving and rewarding, which honestly contributed heavily to my looking for a love and earth driven way of life and beliefs.

What I want to know is if there are any other people out there feeling like I feel who would be willing to talk to me and to share with me their life's knowledge and help me to grow :)